ISU 校友 career readiness by: Dan McDivitt

Opportunities for careers in criminology and criminal justice continue to expand. As a graduate you will have opportunities available in the areas of:

Law enforcement or correction agencies at the federal, state, or local levels
Safety and security programs
Investigators with government agencies, insurance companies, and law firms
State criminal justice planning program such as Big Brother/Big Sister or group homes

学生 who major in criminology and criminal justice have traditionally pursued careers in teaching, 研究, or some phase of the criminal justice system. Generally, students with a Bachelor's degree are qualified for lower- and middle-level positions. Many students who earn the Bachelor's degree enter a law school or a graduate program in criminology or some related discipline. Master's degree students can often qualify for middle- and upper-level positions in the criminal justice system. Ph值的完成.D. degree is the usual prerequisite for appointment to a college-level teaching position.

The graduates of Indiana State University in criminology and criminal justice over the last few years have been rather successful in obtaining suitable employment in the criminal justice field and in securing admission to law schools or graduate study programs. 然而, it should be noted that success in such endeavors is enhanced by demonstrated knowledge of the discipline as well as mastery of communicative and 研究 skills, so the student is encouraged to plan his or her program to identify and eliminate any weaknesses in these areas.

Law Enforcement Career Resource Website


The Department of 犯罪学 and Criminal Justice at Indiana State University advocates the Fitness for Life approach to both preparing for and maintaining a career in criminal justice.  In preparing for a job in law enforcement, institutional corrections, community-based corrections, or any other criminal justice related position, students should be able to complete various minimal fitness standards.  Below is a link to the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy web page Physical Fitness Standards.  These standards are the minimum requirements for entry-level positions.  A person pursuing a career in criminal justice should strive to maintain and exceed these minimal fitness standards FOR LIFE.


School of 犯罪学 and Security Studies


School of 犯罪学 and Security Studies
Terre Haute, IN 47809
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